Thursday, December 4, 2014


Sold Out-- No, in this case it does not mean that your friendly neighborhood grocery store is fresh out of that brand of toilet paper that is the perfect balance of not too scratchy and not too fluffy.

So...what does it mean?

A lack of apathy. When we are apathetic, we have a lack of enthusiasm, interest or concern. I feel like I'm talking in circles here, like when my little dog just can't quite catch her tail...but stay with me here...

When you are sold-out, you want to be more, do more, to live more for Christ. Not because of legalism.


Jesus was clear that the pharisees did not have it right. And we DO NOT earn our salvation.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

We don't pay for a gift we receive, do we? At Christmas, do you watch your son open the new RC car he's been asking for for 10 months and then say, "Okay, I'm glad you love it--now, that'll be $38.95 plus tax and shipping."  No, you grin from ear to ear at his joy and hug him back when he thanks you. 

Jesus died to redeem us. When we receive His gift, we should want to please Him. Obey Him. Not take His sacrifice lightly or flippantly. REALLY know Him like a best friend. If you say that Cindy Lou is your best friend in the world, but never talk to her or spend time with her, you are not really best friends, are you? That would be slightly juvenile, wouldn't it? Like something my middle school aged daughter would do.

You and I should desire to know Him more all the time. To become more like Him. 

I've noticed my son picking up some new phrases and mannerisms from the other boys in his class at school. We instinctively conform to those we spend time with. We pick up ideals from the television shows we watch. 

In Romans 12, verse 2 it says, "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

So...what God is saying is that we are to allow Him to change us. That, in turn, causes us to more clearly be able to see His perfect plan for us. 

As Christians, we shouldn't look like the world. God's best usually looks backwards, upside down and inside out from what the world expects. Sometimes he asks us to do some pretty radical things. 

The question is, are you "sold-old" for Jesus? 

Do you say yes when He asks you to do something that seems counter-culture?

Do you hear Him speak to you? When I stop hearing Him so clearly, that sometimes means I'm not having regular conversation with Him--not reading the Bible, not praying and seeking His face, not worshipping Him at His throne.

Don't be apathetic. Be sold-out.